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Home › Security System Tips & Information › What to Teach Your Kids About Effective Home Security
Published September 30th, 2021 by Secure IT Securities Corp.
Did you know only 30% of American homes have an effective home security system? The odds aren't in favor of the 70% of households that aren't secure, considering a property crime occurred every 4.4 seconds in the United States in 2018.
If your home is already secure or you're looking into a home security system for your home, that's a great start. But do your children know about your home's security system? Are they aware of how to keep themselves and your home safe?
Keep reading for our breakdown on what your child should know about home security and how to discuss it.
The subject of home security can be difficult to approach with your children, but empowering them with this knowledge is imperative to their safety. Your parental instinct may be to shield your children from the harsh realities of the world. But having a straightforward conversation without scaring them is best.
The amount of detail shared and tone can vary depending on your child's age. Just make sure to let them know they're not in immediate danger, but these rules and precautions are best to keep everybody safe.
The first step to discussing home security with your child should be clear rules on what not to share with others outside the family. Younger children shouldn't share what valuables are in the home or what times their parents aren't home. If they're older, let them know to never share your home address on social media or that they're home alone.
Other standard safety rules include having an adult answer the door when a stranger comes knocking. They should also know to never leave the house alone.
Once a child is old enough, it's necessary to teach them how to lock the doors and windows in your home. Show them each possible point of entry and how to secure it. Remind them regularly to lock up, even when in a hurry.
If they have a phone, installing a smartphone app for home security can help your kids get in the habit of remembering to lock up. Make sure to explain the possible dangers of leaving the home unsecured.
Installing a home security alarm is one of the safest steps you can take to securing your home. But is everyone in your household aware of how to use the home security alarm system? If not, the many benefits of home security systems are not that useful.
Empowering your tween or teen to arm and disarm your home security system can help them feel grown-up and responsible. Make sure they're familiar with the different alarm sounds and what they mean.
After discussing these rules and teaching them what to do, check in with your child regularly to make sure they remember everything. Reviewing how to work the home security alarm system is especially important.
Our cost-effective home security at Secure it Securities Corp. will keep you and your family as safe as possible. Browse our home security services today and contact us to take the next step in effective home security.
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Secure IT Securities Corp.
1 Blue Hill Plaza #1509
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New York State Fire & Security License #12000295002 | Smart Home Security Solutions in Pearl River, NY
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