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Home › Security System Tips & Information › Are You Experiencing CO Poisoning? An Essential Guide to The Symptoms
Published February 4th, 2022 by Secure IT Securities Corp.
More than 50,000 people end up in the emergency room every year due to carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. CO poisoning is often called the silent killer because the gas is impossible to detect.
A tiny leak from a gas stove can quickly fill up the entire room without anyone noticing. At dangerously high levels, the CO will replace your body's oxygen, leading to injury.
Learn how to recognize the symptoms of CO poisoning and what your treatment options are. We'll also share a sure-fire way to avoid the silent killer!
Carbon monoxide has no color or odor, making it extremely difficult to spot. Poorly ventilated or maintained gas appliances can be sneaky sources of carbon monoxide.
CO poisoning levels are determined by the amount of carboxyhemoglobin in your blood. Mild CO poisoning is over 10 percent, while moderate is between 10 and 25 percent. You might only feel slight symptoms, but a trip to the emergency room will still be necessary.
Severe CO poisoning levels are above 25 percent and can result in organ and tissue damage. Prolonged exposure to CO can even result in death.
Symptoms are generic, so you might not realize that CO is the culprit right away, but time is of the essence, because severe levels can cause you to pass out, making the situation deadly. Typical signs of carbon monoxide poisoning include:
If you experience any of these signs randomly, or suddenly, and you have gas appliances in your home, it's best to head outside. From there, you can call an expert to check the gas levels inside. It's always better to be safe than sorry!
If you've encountered dangerous levels of CO, don't panic, get fresh air as soon as possible, and call an ambulance. An emergency room will provide you with the right treatments to prevent major organ damage.
The most common treatment is pure oxygen, if you can't breathe independently, a ventilator will be the best course of treatment. The goal is to get oxygen into your organs and tissues to avoid further injury.
Your heart and brain tissue are most vulnerable to carbon monoxide. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can prevent damage and is used in severe cases. It involves time spent in a special chamber with elevated air pressure and pure oxygen.
You probably know the adage the best defense is a good offense. The same rings true for battling CO poisoning. Treatment is necessary upon exposure but avoiding it in the first place is the better move.
Installing a CO alarm in your home is the smartest and easiest way to avoid poisoning. The KI-COD alarm is an advanced sensor that analyzes CO levels, and alerts you when something is occurring, false alarms are rare because the KI-COD is so technologically advanced!
CO poisoning is known as the "silent killer" because it's hard to sniff out. The symptoms of CO poisoning are often subtle and easily confused with other illnesses.
The best way to protect yourself, your family, and your pets is with a CO alarm. You only need to install it once, but you get peace of mind for years to come!
If you're not protected yet, contact Secure It Securities for your free estimate! We'll make sure the air in your home is safe and healthy for the whole family.
February 19, 2025
February 5, 2025
Secure IT Securities Corp.
1 Blue Hill Plaza #1509
Pearl River, NY 10965
New York State Fire & Security License #12000295002 | Smart Home Security Solutions in Pearl River, NY
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