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Home › Security System Tips & Information › 5 Best Places to Install Security Cameras Inside and Outside of the Home
Published January 6th, 2021 by Secure IT Securities Corp.
Each year, more than 2.5 million burglaries take place in the United States. It's more important than ever to secure your home.
One of the best ways to monitor your home is to install security cameras in high-traffic areas. By doing this, you'll know if anyone enters your home uninvited.
Have you been worried about the security of your home? If you have, keep reading to learn the best places to install security cameras to catch burglars in the act.
The doors are the main entry points to your home. The front door can be a tough choice for burglars, but a popular one for porch pirates.
A burglar might gravitate toward a side or back door where they can be more discreet.
To catch them as they go in, you'll want the cameras to be placed at all doors during the outdoor security camera installation. Point them out towards your driveway as well to be sure that you catch them as they come in.
With this placement, you should catch any unwanted visitors approaching your home.
When getting a security camera installation, think about the main hallway in your house. This is a hallway that must be passed to travel throughout parts of the home.
Having a camera installed here can make it easier to catch a criminal if they do enter your home. At some point they'll have to pass through this hallway, giving you a chance to catch them on camera.
The backyard might not be your priority during security camera system installation, but it is important.
Criminals may try to use your backyard to discreetly get inside of your home. It's best to be prepared before this can happen.
It's also a great tool if you have children or pets. You can keep an eye on them through the camera to make sure that they're safe while playing in the backyard.
Though it may be last on your list, it's important to remember to install a backyard camera.
Your living room is an essential part of your home. Usually, it's the place that valuable items like your TV or game consoles might be stored. Not to mention, decorations or other keepsakes that may be important to you.
This could be a place that criminals want to get to so that they can steal these valuables.
It's also a great place for a camera so that you can keep an eye on your home if you're not there.
Your garage or shed is home to many things, such as your car or tools. Depending on where it's located in your yard, it can give a different or new angle to your camera system.
By placing it by the door of the garage or shed, you'll catch anyone who comes in. You may also catch a wider field of view to see where unwanted guests go.
More homeowners are turning to install security cameras in their homes for their safety and the safety of their family. Cameras are a great tool to catch burglars and other criminals as well as keep tabs on your home when you can't be there.
Are you interested in having security cameras installed in your home? At Secure IT Securities Corp, we can install security cameras around your home.
Get a free estimate to install security cameras in your New York home today!
February 19, 2025
February 5, 2025
Secure IT Securities Corp.
1 Blue Hill Plaza #1509
Pearl River, NY 10965
New York State Fire & Security License #12000295002 | Smart Home Security Solutions in Pearl River, NY
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